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Deploy Buz to Cloud Run using Terraform

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The (absolute) easiest way to deploy Buz on GCP is via Google Cloud Run and Terraform.

This deployment writes events to BigQuery (via streaming inserts) and provisions the following GCP resources:

  • Cloud Run service for running serverless Buz
  • Secret Manager secret for Buz configuration
  • Domain mapping for running Buz behind a pretty name
  • GCS bucket for schemas
  • Artifact Registry Repository for hosting Buz artifacts
  • BigQuery dataset
  • BigQuery tables for valid/invalid events

It also adds appropriate IAM configuration and enables GCP services if they have not already been enabled.

Local Prerequisites

You will need the following to run this example:


1. Clone the Buz repo and navigate to GCP deployment dir

git clone && cd buz/deploy/terraform/gcp/

2. Auth gcloud

gcloud auth application-default login

3. Create and Populate tfvars file

touch terraform.tfvars

Sample Contents:

gcp_project = "YOUR_PROJECT"
system = "buz"
env = "prd"
buz_domain = ""
buz_version = "v0.11.11"
schema_bucket_name = "schemas"
bigquery_dataset_name = "buz"

4. Initialize and Apply

terraform init && terraform apply

If all is well the terraform output will be something like the following:


buz_domain = ""
buz_service_id = "locations/us-central1/namespaces/YOUR_PROJECT/services/buz"
buz_service_status = tolist([
"conditions" = tolist([
"message" = ""
"reason" = ""
"status" = "True"
"type" = "Ready"
"message" = ""
"reason" = ""
"status" = "True"
"type" = "ConfigurationsReady"
"message" = ""
"reason" = ""
"status" = "True"
"type" = "RoutesReady"
"latest_created_revision_name" = "buz-lnhtr"
"latest_ready_revision_name" = "buz-lnhtr"
"observed_generation" = 1
"url" = ""
buz_version = "v0.11.11"
gcp_project = "YOUR_PROJECT"
gcp_region = "us-central1"
invalid_topic = "buz-prd-invalid-events"
schema_bucket = "buz-prd-schemas"
valid_topic = "buz-prd-valid-events"