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🟢 Supported

Collection Method

Parameter Payloads

Buz supports collecting payloads via url query params.

This method of data collection has drawbacks such as max uri lengths, but is very straight-forward to get started with.

For Example

If /pxl is configured as a pixel input, submitting a GET request to /pxl/?hello=world&userId=10 will send a payload of {"hello": "world", "userId": "10"} to the configured sinks.

No sdk's necessary.

Base64 Encoded Parameter Payloads

The Buz pixel input supports a "special" query param, hbp, by which b64 encoded payloads can be collected.

For Example

If Buz is configured with a pixel path of /pxl (the default), submitting a GET request to /pxl?hbp=eyJoZWxsbyI6IndvcmxkIn0 will send a payload of {"hello":"world"} to the configured sinks.

Namespace Method

Buz supports two ways of namespacing pixel payloads: arbitrary and named.

Arbitrary Pixels

Any requests sent to the configured root pixel path are considered arbitrary and are assigned a single namespace of buz.pixel.arbitrary.

/pxl is the default root pixel path.

For Example

If Buz is configured with a pixel path of /pxl (the default), all requests to /pxl will not be validated and will be namespaced according to buz.pixel.arbitrary.


Since this method is basically a catchall it should be used sparingly.

Named Pixels

Any requests sent to a schema-specific pixel path are namespaced according to the associated schema.

For Example

If Buz is configured with a pixel path of /pxl (the default), all requests to /pxl/io.silverton/someschema/v1.0.json will be validated and namespaced according to the contents of the io.silverton/someschema/v1.0.json schema.

Pro tip

Named pixels are the better way to go. Especially when payloads are base64 encoded so properties can have non-string types.

Validation Method

Arbitrary pixels: Not validated.

Named pixels with string query params: Validated according to the associated schema. But all schema properties must be of type string 👎.

Named pixels with the hbp b64-encoded query param: Validated according to the associated schema. Schema properties can be of any type 👍.

Sample Pixel Configuration

enabled: true # Whether or not to enable pixels
path: /pxl # Root path for incoming pixels