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Buz supports reading data from multiple input protocols. The status of these protocols is outlined below.


SourceTypeSupported?Validated payloads?MaintainerMore Details
WebhooksBuzYes ✅Yes ✅🐝Docs
PixelsBuzYes ✅Yes ✅🐝Docs
Self-describing eventsBuzYes ✅Yes ✅🐝Docs
CloudeventsCloud-nativeYes ✅Yes ✅🐝Docs
Snowplow AnalyticsSaasYes ✅Yes ✅🐝Docs
CDCBuzNot yet ⚠️Not yet ⚠️⚠️This could be you.
IOT - OPC/UABuzNot yet ⚠️Not yet ⚠️⚠️This could be you.
RudderstackSaasNot yet ⚠️Not yet ⚠️⚠️This could be you.
SegmentSaasNot yet ⚠️Not yet ⚠️⚠️This could be you.