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Buz ships with a /config endpoint that responds with what you might expect: a json representation of how the system is currently configured

It can (and should) be disabled in production

To disable via the config file:

enableConfigRoute: false <----------- me me me look at me
Heads up

Config responses look like the following. Again, this should be disabled in production!!!

"app": {
"version": "",
"name": "buz-bootstrap",
"env": "development",
"port": "8080",
"trackerDomain": "",
"enableConfigRoute": true
"middleware": {
"timeout": { "enabled": false, "ms": 2000 },
"rateLimiter": { "enabled": false, "period": "S", "limit": 10 },
"identity": {
"cookie": {
"enabled": true,
"name": "nuid",
"secure": true,
"ttlDays": 365,
"domain": "",
"path": "/",
"sameSite": "Lax"
"fallback": "00000000-0000-4000-A000-000000000000"
"cors": {
"enabled": true,
"allowOrigin": ["*"],
"allowCredentials": true,
"allowMethods": ["POST", "OPTIONS", "GET"],
"maxAge": 86400
"requestLogger": { "enabled": true },
"yeet": { "enabled": false }
"inputs": {
"snowplow": {
"enabled": true,
"standardRoutesEnabled": true,
"openRedirectsEnabled": true,
"getPath": "/plw/g",
"postPath": "/plw/p",
"redirectPath": "/plw/r"
"cloudevents": { "enabled": true, "path": "/cloudevents" },
"selfDescribing": {
"enabled": true,
"path": "/self-describing",
"contexts": { "rootKey": "contexts" },
"payload": {
"rootKey": "payload",
"schemaKey": "schema",
"dataKey": "data"
"webhook": { "enabled": true, "path": "/webhook" },
"pixel": { "enabled": true, "path": "/pixel" }
"registry": {
"backend": { "type": "fs", "path": "./schemas/" },
"ttlSeconds": 300,
"maxSizeBytes": 104857600,
"purge": { "enabled": true, "path": "/c/purge" },
"http": { "enabled": true }
"manifold": {},
"sinks": [
{ "name": "easyfeedback", "type": "stdout", "deliveryRequired": true }
"squawkBox": { "enabled": true },
"privacy": {
"anonymize": {
"device": { "ip": false, "useragent": false },
"user": { "id": false }
"tele": { "enabled": true }